How to Support Our Nonprofits AND Ourselves as Grant Professionals

There is no doubt that these are unprecedented times for all of us as individuals and as grant professionals.

I have lost track of how many emails I have received that are talking about how businesses, grantmakers, and nonprofits are responding to COVID-19. I thought email traffic was heavy before…now I realize exactly how many email lists I am on for colleagues, organizations we are donors for, and businesses that we are customers of. WOW.

Yet here I am, adding more information into an already overwhelming amount of information about how people and organizations are responding to the coronavirus. I wanted to gather resources that I have found to be valuable and information that is specific to grant seeking organizations and grant professionals in one place.

I plan to continue to update the information in this post as our team’s way to support YOU, grant seeking organizations and grant professionals, as you continue to do amazing things for your community and for your organizations.

Be well,

Diane H. Leonard, GPC




What We’re Reading


Our team has been working remotely for 14 years, we wanted to share key tools from our virtual toolbox with you


Don’t forget our team offers free downloads to help your organization stay on track with grant writing best practices. Download them here.


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Updated as of 05/06 7:41 am EST


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