What grant tools are best for researching grants?
What tools should I use so I don’t miss any opportunities?
In addition to those questions, you may ask yourself, “Is my process one that ultimately is effective research that helps our grant team have a proactive grant seeking approach?”
For day 8 of the Grant Readiness Challenge, make an inventory (really, go ahead and make a list!) of the tools that you use for your grant research. What does that list of resources in your research toolbox include?
- Paid database (One or multiple? Are you utilizing your GPA Membership Benefits?)
- Free access to paid databases (Perhaps through the Funding Information Network?)
- IRS 990s (Through 990-Finder or Guidestar.org)
- Funder Websites
- Grantmaker Association Membership Directories and Publications (i.e. – Council of Michigan Foundations)
- Social Media
- Newspapers/Print Media
- Search Engines
Which of the tools are you using consistently? Which should you consciously utilize more often? Which are you excited to add to your grant tools toolbox for research? Let us know!
Don’t forget to share your journey on the 30 Day Grant Readiness Challenge by using the hashtag #grantreadiness on your posts and updates on social media.
Did you miss the launch of the 30 Day Grant Readiness Challenge? It isn’t too late for you to start! You can sign up at any point and it will start you back on Day 1!